Neighborhood Safety


Edgewood is an area where everyone can enjoy jogging, dog walking, and bicycling. As homeowners, we need to remain aware of this while driving through the area.



Another issue has come up about door to door solicitors. I did check with the Sheriff’s Department and found out that solicitors do not need a permit to operate in the county, so we a fair game here in Edgewood. The sheriff’s deputy recommended that you always keep your outer door locked and talk with anyone through the door. It was recommended that you not invite them into your home. Be firm with your refusal about whatever they are talking to you about.  If you feel at all that they are out of line, then call 911.  I cannot stress how much the sheriff’s department want you to report something like this. The situation that came up recently was that someone was selling a household cleaner and did not want to take no for an answer from one neighbor, then went to two other homes and actually frightened one of the residents with his persistence.