Homeowners' Association

Edgewood continues to be a great place to live due to the fact that it is truly is a “neighborhood of good people”.


Membership in the Homeowners' Association requires yearly dues. Among other expenses, these dues help to cover:
  • electricity and maintenance costs for the neighborhood entrance
  • ads for the neighborhood-wide garage sale
  • mowing
  • leaflet printing
  • neighborhood signs
Edgewood is an area where everyone can enjoy jogging, dog walking, and bicycling. As homeowners, we need to remain aware of this while driving through the area. Maintaining our yards and homes and keeping them free of debris will add to the looks of the neighborhood, along with the property values of those houses that are selling. 

Board and Committees

The Edgewood Homeowners’ Association board and committees are made up of volunteers. They participate because they care about our neighborhood. If you would like to be involved, in any way, in the neighborhood please contact a board member. 

Email Directory

The email directory is maintained to communicate with neighbors who prefer to receive messages electronically. This is not included in the Edgewood directory and is used strictly for relaying messages concerning street work, problems in the neighborhood, crime, lost/found pets and good news. If you would like to have your email included on this list please include it when you return the dues form.

We have a tremendous little neighborhood and with the continued support and involvement of our homeowners, it will only get better!